Cómo saber si respiro, antología de cuentos de Marina Perezagua, nos saca de la visión cómoda del mundo para mostrarnos los dobleces más terribles de la vida. Quince historias para encontrar los espacios grises entre la vida y la muerte, entre lo extraordinario y lo cotidiano, entre el humor negro y la tragedia. Los cuentos de Marina Perezagua son esa voz entraña, mordaz, que nos perturba porque dice lo que nosotros no queremos decir, pero sabemos.
N° de páginas: 168
Género: Cuentos
Serie: LiteraRutas
ISBN: 978-612-46825-7-5
Medidas: 14.5 cm de ancho x 20 cm de alto
Editorial: Pesopluma
Disponible: Agotado
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S/203.33Vinyl LP
Sello: Modern Harmonic
A new Sun Ra LP touches ground in the earthly bins, 50 years after its creation! Sun Ra is still trying to get our attention 50 years after dispatching this transmission. Humanitys path since then makes his message even more urgent today. Years after Herman Poole LeSonyr Ra Blount left the planet hes still trying to reach us, to wake us up and to change our destiny. Sun Ra and the Arkestra werent a traditional studio band, and every star in the vast galaxy of their discography reflects this. The origins of these records can be hard to pinpoint at times, but when it comes to Thunder Of The Gods, its a bit easier. Calling Planet Earth We’ll Wait For You was discovered on tapes from Ras, Universe In Blue, believed to be recorded in 71. The raucous title track and Moonshots Across the Sky are unearthed from the 66 Strange Strings sessions. Modern Harmonic has once again paired Ras sonic art with the visual art of The Father of Modern Space Art, Chesley Bonestell, whose 1952 work Formation of the Earths Continents spralls across the front and back covers.
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S/90.00Editorial: Meier Ramirez
vinyl 12″ (50 loops)
eslóganes de candidatos presidenciales
edición: 250En el 2016, José Luis Martinat en colaboración con Meier Ramírez realiza el primer proyecto sonoro de la editorial: un vinilo de 12” el cual contiene una selección de cincuenta “loops” de lemas electorales extraídos de la historia política peruana.
Los lemas buscan transmitir sentimientos profundos de esperanza, repitiendo estratégicamente palabras como “cambio” y “transformación”. Palabras que evocan un movimiento hacia adelante, una marcha hacia el progreso, la idea de un país con futuro.
Estos eslóganes fueron expresamente creados para ser leídos y escuchados insistentemente. El tiempo demostraría que estas promesas difundidas no eran más que falsos mantras políticos.
S/99.00 – S/290.00Dimensiones: 42 cm Ancho / 60 cm Alto
Print: Papel bond 120 mg, impresión offset
Impreso En Perú -
S/122.00Vinyl LP
Heavy post-rockers Vago Sagrado set a peaceful atmosphere with “K is Kool,” the opening track of their third album, Vol. III, that is hard to resist. They’ll soon enough pump in contrast via the foreboding low end of “La Pieza Oscura,” but the feeling of purposeful drift in the guitar remains resonant, even as the drums and vocals take on a kind of punkish feel. The mix is one that the Chilean three-piece seem to delight in, reveling in tonal adventurousness in the quiet/loud tradeoff of “Fire (In Your Head)” and the New Wave shuffle of “Sundown” before “Centinela” kicks off side B with the kind of groove that Queens of the Stone Age fans have been missing for the last 15 years. Things get far out in “Listen & Obey,” but Vago Sagrado never completely lose their sense of direction, and that only makes the proceedings more engaging as the hypnotic “One More Time with Feeling” leads into the nine-minute closer “Mekong,” wherein the wash teased all along comes to fruition.
- K Is Kool
- La Pieza Oscura
- Fire (in Your Head)
- Sundown
- Centinela
- Listen & Obey
- One More Time With Feeling
- Mekong